Second Grade!

Grayson started second grade this year! We have been thankful for a great school system and district, they have made sure that Grayson has the best care! What a relief as parents knowing your son is in the best hands throughout the day.

An IEP is in place including help from a TVI (teacher of the visually impaired), and an Orientation and Mobility teacher. An aid will be in the same room along with Speech Therapy and potential Physical Therapy sessions! It may sound like a lot, but it’s a head start on a very successful year for him. Grayson is still retaining and learning, just like other kids, he just needs a bit more help seeing and extra time and effort with work. Gray is set!

Our biggest hope is that Grayson can stay in public school for as long as possible, and even GRADUATE high school! Such big hopes.

If any Batten parent is reading this and would like to talk about the plan we have in place, please please contact, we will share and help in anyway, just like others have done for us.


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