Introducing Chief Grayson!

Today, the Tipp City Police Department and Fire Department had an entire day planned for Grayson. It exceeded any expectations or thoughts I had for the day and left us with lasting memories. We started at 9am and ended at 4pm!

We started out at the Tipp City Police Department where Grayson was officially sworn in as Chief of Police for the day! Check out his awesome, custom outfit! We then took an extensive tour of the station, including a really cool practice shooting game (not using a real gun, but a practice one). Grayson and Beckett enjoyed donuts with the officers . They tried on some heavy duty helmets and he even experienced pulling over an officer at Kyle Park! He was SWAGGED out with D.A.R.E gear too.

Next, we stopped at his new school (escorted by Chief Adkins and fellow officers), with Tipp City Schools, Broadway Elementary. We met his principal and even played on the playground.

After the school visit, Deputy Chief Davis invited us to The Rotary Club lunch, where Grayson was a special guest. And for dessert he enjoyed a chocolate drumstick! Deputy Chief Davis even gave him his winning raffle ticket and walked away with $10! We also heard a presentation from Sheriff Duchak that was informative and really neat to meet people we normally wouldn’t meet.

There’s more!! Next was the Tipp City Fire Department. Grayson was named Fire Chief of the day there too by Chief Haller. The crew gave him a ride on the fire truck (we even drove past our home), and he got to use the hose, roll the hose with Beckett, sit in the ambulance AND chill in the comfy chairs and air conditioning inside.

Our day was not over yet! Chief Adkins and Deputy Chief Davis brought Grayson and Beckett over to meet the Tipp City High School Football Coach and some of the team. My phone died as soon as we got there but those memories were amazing. You might be seeing Beckett on the field in a few short years.

We are fighting daily to save his vision, but the reality of the disease is complete vision loss (not something I normally say or come to terms with - we hold so much hope), to know my sweet boy experienced this today, with vision, could make me cry in a split second. Thank you to the stellar leadership and teams in Tipp City!


Pilot for the Day!


Grayson’s First Assessment - 8 years old