Guiding Grayson
through his fight against CLN3 Batten Disease
Grayson was diagnosed with CLN3 Batten Disease spring of 2023. Grayson is currently legally blind. Our journey is one of hope and positivity.
After a hard diagnosis the only way that we can move forward is with hope.
There is currently no cure for CLN3 Batten Disease, but there are doctors, scientists and researchers who are working tirelessly to find an answer to treat/cure our children. There is still time. That is why we are going out of our comfort zone to ask our family, friends, community and maybe even strangers to donate to help Grayson get into the best doctors, clinics and medication. Currently there is an off-label drug (used for a different disease) that shows promise of slowing down the progression of this disease (it's in a clinical trial right now) but it’s very expensive.
To date (since August 2022) we've been to six eye doctor visits, one low vision visit, four genetic tests, four genetic counseling appointments, three trips 500+ miles away to Iowa, a trip to Houston, Texas, and several visits to Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, OH. We still have a journey ahead of us and we need your help. All funds will strictly be used for Grayson's care, in its own account dedicated only for his medical care.
A special note - please make sure when talking to kids about Grayson’s condition that they don’t know the hard information, right now Grayson understands that everyone is loving and caring for him because of his vision loss, we have not used the disease name, only vision loss. We’d like to keep it like that, there’s no need to add any more stress to Grayson. This is very important. Instead of talking about it with Grayson, when you see him give him an extra high five or hug - he loves when people care for him.
Our family can't thank you enough for helping to save our child. I promise you, Grayson is worth saving, a thousand times over again... he is worth it every time.
About CLN3
Learn more on this heartbreaking disease that affects Grayson at such a young age.
Grayson’s Journey
Follow Grayson’s journey - between doctor’s visits and tests there is a beautiful life to live! Giving Grayson experiences and love is our top priority. Keep up with Grayson “Living Life like a G!”

“Hope is the only thing stronger than fear.”
— Suzanne Collins
& submit a message for Grayson’s Wall of Fame, order a wristband or t-shirt or for any questions or inquires about fundraising for Grayson’s future